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Saturday, April 24, 2021

we're going to be going over seven websites to go from zero to 200 a day,

we're going to be going over seven websites to go from zero to 200 a day,
passively. Now,despite all the controversy and people saying that passive income is a myth and
it doesn't work and it doesn't exist. Well, I've seen it with my own two eyes.Trust me.And I recently made a video about how I generate $20,000 in passive incomeevery single month. So you can check that out later on. But so that point,
I just want to say that it wasn't an easy road. I mean, in fact,it took a lot of elbow grease and hard work upfront.
And the bottom line is you will never get something for nothing because realpassive income is about leveraging the work upfront so that later you cancontinue to make money with this method or whatever you want to call it
without having to work. That's the whole idea.And so as a small business owner, a creator, somebody getting started online,it is important to continually add income streams.And that's my hopes in today's video is that you can branch out and startdiversifying your income. So without further ado let's get going.And so let's talk about it.We are going to talk about licensing music and other graphic assets online asthe first way of making passive income. Don't worry,there's a couple of websites I'm going to go over.But the whole idea is if you are a beatmaker,if you know how to create different sounds and effects,then this could definitely be a profitable, passive income stream for you.
I have a YouTuber friend who creates sounds and beats lo-fi hiphop is very, very popular for YouTube offers and different creators out there.So he creates a variety of lo-fi hip hop, beats, disco, funk,
blogger, you know, happy style music. And he uploads this music,this copyright free music for creators to use on a website called the cool thing about what he does is he accumulates all these songs and,you know,
people buy his music and then he also gets royalty from the subscription feesthat the members pay.
And so the disadvantage about art list is that you only get paid out once a yearas a creator. However,this particularYoutuber that I'm talking about has 42,000 downloads
in a year of his music,which equates to approximately $24,000 that he'll get once per
year, which equates to approximately $2,000 a month.And that's not yet at $200 a day,but you can definitely see how itcan add up quickly and equate to lots ofpassive income every single day. And so to add a little bit of variety,
if you're somebody that's not into beat making, or don't know how,but you have other skills, maybe you cancreateanimations.Maybe you can create logo templates and other graphic designs that all people,
not just video creators, but all a brand and business owners need.
They need this in their business and you can upload these types of graphics onEnvato elements.
Now in Envato elements is super cool because it has everything. I mean,
it's a creator's playground because there's so many cool things,but for you as somebody looking to upload graphic designs and get your feet wetwith creating a digital product that is basically evergreen.
And once somebody buys it,it is really passive income because you only have to create that digital asset
one time. And so here's the thing on Envato elements.There's other types of assets on there where you don't need to be super good atcreating tracks and creating music and a super good graphic designer.
If you have some basic skill with putting things together and making things looknice, for example,presentation templates are a perfect example, right?Because if you can create a presentation template for somebody that is
gold, I personally have to do a lot of presentations in my business
webinars, live events, you name it. I have to present a lot.
So if I can find this template on in bottle elements of a presentation,
that's already put together, that's going to save me hours of time.
And so it's the same idea with what's going on right now with Etsy,
where an Etsy, you can create digital products and digital downloadables,
it's the same idea.
What's hot right now on SCR things like resume,
cover letter templates and wedding invitation templates and things like that.
So it's the same idea with Envato elements.
I invite you to take a look at all the different types of options that are on
there. So you can think like, okay, yeah, that could definitely work for me.
I can create something like this for sure.
And then have it be evergreen on the website because within bottle elements,
there's lots of people, thousands and thousands of people already on,
in volatile elements looking to, you know,
raise the bar with their branding and everything.
And so they need whatever you can design to help them out with their
graphics, with their video and just their overall presence online.
So definitely check it out. Okay.
So the other thing I forgot to mention that I wanted to mention really quick
about Envato elements is stock video.
I'm somebody who has hours and hours and hours of stock video.
That's just sitting there collecting virtual dusk.
I haven't done anything with them,
but I would love to one day get my own stock video or my video footage of just
me traveling traveling to different cities,
all kinds of stuff that other people would want to use on their videos.
And so the idea is instead of letting your stock video, just sit there,
why don't you go ahead and use it and turn that stock video into some passive
income and cash. Okay.
So the next method that we're talking about in today's video is with print on
demand and a website called Teespring.
And there's other websites we'll talk about

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